“Envy's Harvest”

40" x 40", Oil on Canvas

My exploration of the Tall Poppy Syndrome has fueled my fascination with its effects over the years. Tall Poppy Syndrome, for those unfamiliar with it, is the tendency for individuals to face resentment, criticism, or even outright attacks when they achieve success and recognition. It's a rather unfortunate aspect of human nature, and those who participate in this behavior often unknowingly harm themselves without realizing the consequences of their actions.

This artwork delves into the consequences of 'poppy choppers' on their surroundings. In a harsh, desolate desert, a single tall poppy stands, offering shelter to two delicate lilies. As time passes, this poppy will inevitably bow, leaving no refuge from nature's forces. Yet, the poppy choppers, oblivious to the impact of their actions, continue their relentless quest. This piece explores the profound implications of this behavior, reminding us of the importance of uplifting one another rather than tearing each other down.