“Fleeting Horizons”

60" x 60", Oil on Canvas

"Fleeting Horizons," celebrates the essence of adventure and promise. In 2021, this journey was born, revolving around two symbolic elements: hot air balloons and a solitary red door. The hot air balloons, with their vivid colors and soaring heights, embody boundless possibilities for those who dare to explore life's horizons. Each balloon represents an adventure waiting to unfold, a potential future amongst the canvas of existence. They invite you to imagine standing on one, celebrating with kindred spirits who made similar choices, while another balloon drifts by, offering an entirely different experience. Every choice made commits us to a unique journey, and the fear of taking the leap remains tangible.

The crimson red door isn't just a visual element; it's a symbol of welcome and choices. It signifies unexplored pathways in our lives, reminding us that numerous intersections teem with potential and promise. This red door encourages self-reflection on your choices, the doors you've opened, and those left unexplored. Each balloon, with its unique red door, represents a microcosm of diverse life choices.

In these balloons and doors lies a profound truth: life is an ever-evolving canvas, and you are the artist of your destiny, capable of changing your path at any moment.