
48" x 48", Oil on Canvas

Imagine a surreal journey where life, death, time, and the intricate game of existence intertwine. This artwork is part of a series that delves deeper into the essence of our struggles.

In this piece, a character with a deer skull head embodies the relentless march of time and our deep-seated fear of death. Life feels like a high-stakes game, where we confront our inner demons and the challenges life throws at us.

Symbols like the deer skull (death and time) and sunflower (life and appreciation) guide us through the artwork. The chessboard reflects our strategic life choices, its cracks representing time's relentless passage.

But it's not just about life and death. The female figures symbolize hope, love, and renewal, reminding us that we're stronger together, facing our inner and outer challenges.

Inspired by Greek mythology, the piece encourages us to outsmart time and death for our well-being. It's an exploration of our thoughts shaping our reality, like the Placebo Effect, and it invites you to reflect on your own journey.

In this story, Socrates' wisdom echoes: 'The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.' Together, we embark on a collective journey of self-improvement and learning for a brighter world."